1NT as an opener is a very pre-emptive bid and can provide severe problems for opponents wishing to get into the auction. This is why the weak no trump is so popular in England, although other systems, notably standard American, open a strong No trump showing around 16-18 points. A need to overcall a strong no trump is less frequent and often dangerous!


A double of 1NT is always bid initially for penalties and shows 15 points or more. Partner will always assume 15 points, add their own points to 15 and, if the total comes to more than 20, you should consider passing for penalties. The double of 1NT is not a take out bid in ACOL

The 'doubler's partner now has several options;

a) Pass for penalties with around 6 or more points expecting to defeat the contract

b) Make a weak take out with less than 6 points and a distributional hand containing a 5 card suit, e.g. if the bidding has gone 1NT Double Pass 2ª. With this bid you show 5 spades and possibly no points at all! The doubler will normally pass this weak take out.

c) Make a jump take out with a stronger unbalanced hand, around 9 plus points, probably unsuitable for defence to 1NT. This is a game force, e.g.1NT Double Pass 3©.

d) Pass in desperation with a weak flat hand with no 5 card suit hoping that either partner is very strong or that your left hand opponent will 'chicken out' with a rescue bid!

If the opponents rescue by bidding a suit as they often do (e.g. if the bidding has gone 1NT Double 2¨ ?), and if you have the balance of the points (i.e. around 7 to add to your partner's assumed 15), you must bid something. Try not to let the opponents play the contract un-doubled if you have the balance of the points You could double to show at least 3 diamonds containing a trump trick or bid your best suit. If you pass, partner will assume you have nothing and you have let your opponents off the hook to steal your contract.


A simple 2 level overcall will show less than 15 high card points, a robust 5 or preferably 6 card suit and about 6 playing tricks. e.g. bid 2© over 1NT with

ª 3
© K Q 10 9 8 4
¨ A 6 3
§ Q J 10
or if not vulnerable ª J 10 2
© Q J 10 8 7 5
¨ A 6 3
§ Q J 10

Playing strength and suit quality is more important than actual high card points.

With 7 to 8 playing tricks, make a jump overcall, e.g. 1NT 3¨.


There are various conventional gadgets available that you can use with your favourite partner, to show a hand of less than 15 points containing 2 potentially playable suits, usually 5/4 or 5/5 shape, e.g. 'Sharples', 'Cansino' and 'Astro'. For those experienced partnerships who wish to try them, 'Astro' is the most popular. 2§ and 2¨ overcalls of 1NT are now conventional bids.

a) Over 1NT by opposition,
§ shows a heart suit and an unspecified minor suit . Responder will support hearts with 3 or more hearts, bid a diamond suit or request which minor suit partner holds by bidding 2NT with a stronger hand.

b) Over 1NT by opposition,
¨ shows a spade suit and another suit somewhere. Responder may support spades with 3 cards or bid his own suit or request which other suit partner holds by bidding 2NT with a stronger hand.