1. OBJECTIVES To steal opponents bidding space or to make a scoring profit


It may be excellent bridge to fail to make your contract.

In competitive auctions, overbid with a good trump fit, underbid with poor trump fits

It is worth conceding around 100 points to stop opponent's part score,

It is worth conceding around 300 points to stop opponent's game,

It is worth conceding around 500 points to stop an opponent's slam,


a) Three of a Suit
7 card suit, less than 10 high card points and 6 playing tricks not vulnerable, 7 playing tricks vulnerable.

b) Three No Trumps
7 cards to the AK Q in § or ¨ and no outside ace or King

c) Four of a suit
7 to 8 card suit, less than 12 high card points mainly in trumps and 7 playing tricks not vulnerable, 8 playing tricks vulnerable .

Note, opening bids of 3 or 4 are limit bids in Acol and it is always up to responder (or opponents!) to decide what to do thereafter. The opening bidder sits back and enjoys the chaos.


Opener is weak with a 7 card suit and plans to go 2 or 3 off if you have nothing. It is up to you to decide what to do. You normally pass unless you have a huge hand of 16 points or more.

a) For a constructive raise from a 3 level opener you need at least 4 top tricks non vulnerable or 3 top tricks vulnerable. An Ace or a KQ is one top trick. The King is half a top trick.

Warning. It is normally better to raise partner's long suit with a good hand containing a singleton or doubleton support rather than bidding 3NT. Even a singleton support ensures an 8 card trump suit between you. And in 3NT you would probably find yourself playing other suits out of your own hand towards weakness all of the time and not be able to get to the table to cash partner's suit. The time to bid 3NT is when you have a 3 card fit (or better) with partner after a minor suit preempt and stoppers in the other 3 suits

b) With a weak hand and 3 or 4 card trump support, raise partner in order to steal even more of the opponents bidding space! (There is a modern theory of bidding that says it is safe to bid up to the level corresponding to the number of trumps between the hands quite irrespective of the point count! If you have 10 spade between you, e.g.partner 7 and you 3, then 4ª i.e. 10 tricks is 'safe'.)


This is very tough, after all, that is why opponents pre-empted in the first place! One method;

a) Against 3 bids
Double is for take out asking for partner's best suit.
3NT is to play, with a double stop, 16+ points and a source of tricks
Suit overcalls, good 5 or 6 card suit and about 6 playing tricks

b) Against 4 bids
Double shows a good hand, 16+ points.


If the opponents open with a bid of 1 and you have weak hand with a 7 card suit (described in para. 3), then double jump with your suit e.g. the player on your right opens 1§, you bid 3ª.